Academic Rank : Professor
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Contact Number : 61113639
  • 692 Citations
  • 13 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 974 Citations
  • 15 h-Index
as of : 2025-02-24

Scholarly Works

  • 692citation
  • 13 h-Index
  • 59 article-list
  • 32 conference-list
علایی روزبهانی پوریا (2024).comma-char INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONScomma-char 168(1)comma-char 112821.
شفائی معصومهcomma گوهرشادی الهه (2024).comma-char SOLAR ENERGYcomma-char 276(1)comma-char 112707.
مهرافروز الناز (2024).comma-char CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICScomma-char 63(1)comma-char 56-65.
شفائی معصومهcomma گوهرشادی الههcomma Ghafurian Mohammad Mustafacomma Mohammadi Mojtaba (2023).comma-char RSC Advancescomma-char 13(26)comma-char 17935-17946.
Saidinik Fateme (2023).comma-char JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCHcomma-char 25(5)comma-char.
Rofouei Mohammad Kazemcomma Arjomandi-Behzad Leila (2022).comma-char JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDScomma-char 357(1)comma-char 119145.
هاشمی سیده حواcomma Rosendahl Lasse (2022).comma-char CHEMICAL PAPERScomma-char 1(1)comma-char.
کاغذچی رامبد (2022).comma-char CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERScomma-char 792(3)comma-char 139394.

1. Characterization, Facile Fabrication of novel binary ZnO/Bi7O9I3 (30%) nanocomposite effective visible-light-indused for environmental remediation

فقها زاده نیلوفرcomma موسوی میترا (2021).comma-char 8,th Ultrafine Grained and NanoStructured Materialscomma-char 6-7 November, Italy.
امیری نگار (2021).comma-char APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCEcomma-char 554(1)comma-char 149606.
فقها زاده نیلوفرcomma موسوی میتراcomma حبیبی یگانه عزیز (2021).comma-char JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICScomma-char 32(3)comma-char 2704-2718.
فقهازاده نیلوفرcomma موسوی میترا (2020).comma-char JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICScomma-char 39(5-6)comma-char.
باقری صالحcomma فیروزی روح الله (2020).comma-char Molecular Informaticscomma-char 39(9)comma-char 2000036.
Vinhal Vinhalcomma جمالی اسماcomma Yan Weicomma Kontogeorgis Georgios (2020).comma-char INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCHcomma-char 59(19)comma-char 9265-9278.
مرادیان سحرcomma دژام پناه حمید (2020).comma-char SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPYcomma-char 227(1)comma-char 117621.

5. Novel ZnO/Bi12O17Br2 heterojnction photocatalyst with superior photocatalytic efficiency under visible light irradiation

فقها زاده نیلوفرcomma موسوی میترا (2020).comma-char 6th National on Applied Research in Chemistry and Chemical Engineeringcomma-char 20-22 January, Tehran, Iran.
رضایی سهیلاcomma شیری فرشته (2019).comma-char JOURNAL OF RECEPTORS AND SIGNAL TRANSDUCTIONcomma-char 22(1)comma-char 1-9.

2. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of a novel visible-light-induced ZnO/Bi3O4Br for the degradation of azo dye pollutant

فقها زاده نیلوفرcomma موسوی میترا (2019).comma-char 2th National congress of chemistry and nanochemistry from research to technologycomma-char 14-16 November, Tehran, Iran.

3. Decoration of Bi4O5I2 Nanoparticles on Zinc Oxide: Novel Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalysts for Efficiently Degradation of Dye

فقهازاده نیلوفرcomma موسوی میترا (2019).comma-char 9th national seminar of chemistry and enviromentscomma-char 3-4 September, Tehran, Iran.
جمالی اسماcomma Vinhal Andrecomma Yan Weicomma Kontogeorgis Georgios (2019).comma-char DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONScomma-char 495(1)comma-char 33-46.

5. A Novel ZnO/BiFeO3 Photocatalyst for Highly Efficient Visible Photocatalytic Performance N.

فقهازاده نیلوفرcomma موسوی میترا (2019).comma-char 22,th iranian physical chemistry conferencecomma-char 20-31 August, Zanjan, Iran.
آریانفر فاطمهcomma رستمیان راحله (2019).comma-char Journal of the Iranian Chemical Societycomma-char 16(11)comma-char 2351-2356.

7. Preparation and investigation of photocatalytic activity of novel ZnO/Bi5O7I nanocomposite towards water remediation

فقهازاده نیلوفرcomma موسوی میترا (2019).comma-char Proceedings of the 8 International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS8)comma-char 20-22 April, Tehran, Iran.
جمالی اسما (2019).comma-char CRYOGENICScomma-char 99(1)comma-char 78-86.
Rostamian Rahelehcomma Amiri Negar (2018).comma-char JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDScomma-char 269(1)comma-char 29-37.