Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکده محیط زیست
Contact Number : 02161113578
  • 158 Citations
  • 7 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 466 Citations
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as of : 2025-03-02

Scholarly Works

  • 158citation
  • 7 h-Index
  • 58 article-list
  • 118 conference-list
  • 8 كتاب


وجدانی نوذر علی (2025).comma-char Journal of Environmental Studiescomma-char 50(4)comma-char.

1. Maneuver is a suitable tool in the learning process and an effective response to reduce damages caused by emergency situations

محمدرضا بیک مهساcomma سمواتی رامین (2024).comma-char First national conference of urban environmentcomma-char 29-30 October, Tehran, Iran.


وجدانی نوذر علی (2024).comma-char Passive Defensecomma-char 15(3)comma-char.


حبیبیان مهدی (2024).comma-char Journal of Intelligent Marketing Managementcomma-char 5(1)comma-char.

4. Examining the basic components in the performance of logistics activity in the crisis of relief organizations (systematic review approach)

طاهریان سعید (2024).comma-char Sixth National Conference on Environmental Engineering and Managementcomma-char 30 May, Ahvaz, Iran.

5. Investigating urban resilience in natural hazards and predicting this resilience in future cities

اصلانی مهدی (2024).comma-char Sixth National Conference on Environmental Engineering and Managementcomma-char 30 May, Ahvaz, Iran.

6. Introduction and application of RAMCAP method in evaluating water supply systems

کاری جعفری بهزاد (2024).comma-char Sixth National Conference on Environmental Engineering and Managementcomma-char 30 May, Tehran, Iran.

7. Presentation of emergency response plan (ERP) of Hakim Farabi Khuzestan agriculture and industry

خدری محمد (2024).comma-char 16th International Conference on Management Research and Humanities in Irancomma-char 19-20 May, Tehran, Iran.


حبیبیان مهدی (2024).comma-char Journal of Intelligent Marketing Managementcomma-char 4(4)comma-char.

9. The place of EOC in crisis management (a study based on the function of EOC)

گنجه ای سجادcomma صادقیان علیرضا (2024).comma-char The Second International Conference on Civil Engineering; New and Practical Findingscomma-char 7 March, Shiraz, Iran.

10. Study the types of physical plans of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

صادقیان علیرضاcomma گنجه ای سجاد (2024).comma-char The Second International Conference on Civil Engineering; New and Practical Findingscomma-char 7 March, Shiraz, Iran.

11. Evaluation of safety culture and providing a solution to improve the safety culture in the maintenance department of Ahan Ajin Mining Company, Songun Copper Complex

علمی حامد (2024).comma-char The second international conference of health and health sciences students of Irancomma-char 19 February, Tehran, Iran.


وجدانی نوذر علی (2023).comma-char Journal of Housing and Rural Environmentcomma-char 42(181)comma-char.

2. Environmental effects of mining

عباسی نوده مطهره (2023).comma-char The first national conference of green management from theory to practicecomma-char 16 March, Shiraz, Iran.


Bahrami Mohammadreza (2023).comma-char Results in Engineeringcomma-char 17(2023)comma-char.

4. Investigating and prioritizing vulnerability criteria of special population groups (women) in natural disasters

خرم محسنcomma نپتون فاطمهcomma نپتون الهه (2023).comma-char The first international conference of psychology, social sciences, educational sciences and philosophycomma-char 9 March.

5. Improving the environmental conditions of the city with an emphasis on air pollution, a case study of reducing heavy metals

جمشیدی علی (2023).comma-char The first national conference of the future city of native thoughtcomma-char 1-2 March, Yazd, Iran.

6. Air pollution in Tehran caused by moving vehicles

عاقل نژاد عباس (2023).comma-char The first national conference of new approaches in civil and environmental engineeringcomma-char 22-23 February, Ramsar, Iran.

7. Urban flood solutions and prevention methods with an emphasis on the lessons of the Shiraz flood"

چیت سازی محسن (2023).comma-char The first national conference of new approaches in civil and environmental engineeringcomma-char 22-23 February, Ramsar, Iran.

8. Reducing the input load of Aradkoh processing and disposal complex by using new approaches and integrated waste management in Tehran

مالکی شادی (2023).comma-char The first national conference of new approaches in civil and environmental engineeringcomma-char 22-23 February, Ramsar, Iran.

9. Study the role of public participation in disaster management caused by natural disasters (Case study: 2010 Haiti earthquake)

یعقوبی اندرابی عباسcomma خرم محسن (2023).comma-char The 10th National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Urban Development of Irancomma-char 9 February.

1. Comparative study of models and methods of measurement and evaluation of social resilience in the face of disasters

وجدانی نوذر علی (2022).comma-char The first Iran disaster management event 2023comma-char 24-26 December, Tehran, Iran.


وجدانی نوذر علی (2022).comma-char Journal of Geographical Studies of Mountainous Areascomma-char 3(3)comma-char.

3. Land use compatibility analysis of Neyriz with GIS

قنواتی رضاcomma شول نژاد علی (2022).comma-char 15 th National Conference on Geography and Environmentcomma-char 17 October.

4. Presentation a strategic model for technologic disaster management- Case Study Asaloyeh

نجومی علی رضاcomma رزمی عباس (2022).comma-char 7th comprehensive conference on disaster management and HSEcomma-char 16 August.