Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک
Contact Number : 02161114016
Room : 312
  • 696 Citations
  • 14 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 790 Citations
  • 14 h-Index
as of : 2023-11-12

Scholarly Works

  • 696citation
  • 14 h-Index
  • 34 article-list
  • 27 conference-list
نصرالله زاده خاکیانی فرداد (2024).comma-char ENERGY SYSTEMScomma-char -(-)comma-char.

1. Enhanced Gearbox Fault Diagnosis with Fusion LSTM-CNN Network

قنبری نویدرضاcomma ریاضی یاسین (2023).comma-char 13th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibrationscomma-char 20-21 December, Tehran, Iran.

2. Tomato Ripeness Evaluation and Localization Using Mask R-CNN and DBSCAN Clustering

نوربخش علیرضاcomma بابازاده مهربانی ابراهیمcomma فرجی سلمانcomma هاتفی مائده (2023).comma-char 11th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM 2023)comma-char 19-21 December, Tehran, Iran.

3. Distributed Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for 3D-Formation of Quadrotors

هاشمی کوروش (2023).comma-char 11th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM 2023)comma-char 19-21 December, Tehran, Iran.
فضل الهی وحیدcomma تقی زاده مصطفی (2023).comma-char Wind Engineeringcomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1-22.
عابدی کسریcomma شاخصی عرفانcomma سراج حسن (2023).comma-char PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGYcomma-char 83(1)comma-char 228-236.

1. Effects of Geometrical Factors on Sound Silencing Behavior of Mass Attached Membrane-Type Acoustic Metamaterials

سید آقامیری سید محمدcomma غفاری ورداوق رضا (2022).comma-char 12th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibrationscomma-char 14-15 December, Tehran, Iran.

2. Dynamics Analysis of a Power Transmision System Via Finite Element Method

رضایی مهدیcomma جهانگرد محمدcomma پورفرزانه حسین (2022).comma-char 12th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibrationscomma-char 14-15 December, Tehran, Iran.

3. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of UAVs for Optimal Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance

خستوان علیcomma واحدی آرش (2022).comma-char International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronicscomma-char 14-16 November, Tehran, Iran.
شمس اللهی حسینcomma رکابی فاطمه (2022).comma-char Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineeringcomma-char 54(4)comma-char 747-768.
رمرودی نیلوفرcomma خانلقی مهران (2022).comma-char Journal of Mechanical Engineering University of Tabrizcomma-char 86(41)comma-char.

6. A Novel Method for Estimating Natural Frequencies of Rotating Machinery

Akbarzade Ahmadreza (2022).comma-char 30th Annual International Conference of the Iranian Association of Mechanical Engineerscomma-char 10-12 May, Tehran, Iran.
ابراهیمی مجید (2022).comma-char EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROLcomma-char 65(1)comma-char 100640.
عرب فرهاد (2021).comma-char ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROLcomma-char 2021(19)comma-char 1-16.
فضل الهی وحیدcomma تقی زاده مصطفیcomma سیاه پور شاهین (2021).comma-char INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROLcomma-char 95(1)comma-char 1-17.
عرب فرهاد (2021).comma-char AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYcomma-char 117(1)comma-char 106917.
عرب فرهاد (2021).comma-char ROBOTICAcomma-char 39(10)comma-char 1-20.

5. Modal analysis and control of a 2-DOF compliant mechanism

خانلقی مهرانcomma شاخصی عرفانcomma رحمن رضاcomma بیگ زاده محمد (2021).comma-char The 10th international conference on acoustics and vibrationcomma-char 17-18 February, Tehran, Iran.

6. Modal Analysis and Mechanical Shock Simulation of a Printed Circuit Board

Saberi Mohammadcomma فتح زاده مهرانcomma Ajri Masoudcomma کوگانی علی (2021).comma-char 10th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (ISAV2020)comma-char 5-6 February, Tehran, Iran.

7. Fatigue Life Estimation of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Under Random and Harmonic Vibrations

فتح زاده مهرانcomma Saberi Mohammadcomma اجری مسعود (2021).comma-char 10th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (ISAV2020)comma-char 5-6 February, Tehran, Iran.
سیاهپور شاهینcomma نصراله زاده خاکیانی فردادcomma فضل الهی وحیدcomma گلعذار علی (2021).comma-char ENERGYcomma-char 217(1)comma-char 119400.
رکابی فاطمهcomma Saadat Mahmood (2021).comma-char ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMScomma-char 136(1)comma-char 103689.
کوگانی علی (2021).comma-char AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineeringcomma-char 5(4)comma-char 497-510.
فتح زاده مهرانcomma صابری تیرانی محمدcomma اجری مسعود (2021).comma-char Journal of Theoretical and Applied Vibration and Acousticscomma-char 7(1)comma-char 29-42.
فضل الهی وحیدcomma تقی زاده مصطفی (2020).comma-char Wind Engineeringcomma-char 44(6)comma-char 0309524X2097236.