Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده مهندسی برق و کامپیوتر
Contact Number : 82084924
Room : 1-314
  • 1015 Citations
  • 17 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 1620 Citations
  • 20 h-Index
as of : 2025-02-16

Scholarly Works

  • 1015citation
  • 17 h-Index
  • 35 article-list
  • 70 conference-list
  • 1 كتاب

1. Topological Data Analysis of Resting-State EEG for On/Off Medication Classification of Parkinson's Disease Patients

گودرزی نگار (2024).comma-char 31st National and 9th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME 2024)comma-char 27-29 November, Tehran, Iran.

1. Improving Spiking Neural Network Performance Using Astrocyte Feedback for Farsi Digit Recognition

نظری ملیحه (2023).comma-char 2023 31st International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)comma-char 9-11 May, Tehran, Iran.

2. Solving the Inverse Problem for EEG Signals When Learning a New Motor Task Using GRU Neural Network

خسروی میلاد (2023).comma-char 2023 31st International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)comma-char 9-11 May, Tehran, Iran.
ضرغامی طاهره ساداتcomma زیدمن پیترcomma رازی عادیل (2023).comma-char HUMAN BRAIN MAPPINGcomma-char 44(7)comma-char 2873-2896.

1. Which Policy is Used by the CNS to Control Human Standing Posture: Intermittent or Impulsive Control?

Bayat Neda (2022).comma-char 29th National and 7th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME 2022)comma-char 21-22 December, Tehran, Iran.
Moosavi Nasab Seyed Danialcomma Beiranvand Arman (2022).comma-char MECHATRONICScomma-char 84(-)comma-char 102766.
خنجری یاسرcomma Mobaien Ali (2022).comma-char COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGcomma-char 1(25)comma-char 1-11.
Gholami Samanehcomma Torkaman Giticomma Bayat Noushin (2022).comma-char The Kneecomma-char 35(-)comma-char 124-132.

1. A web-based gamification of upper extremity robotic rehabilitation

Ardakani Payman Sharafiancomma Akbarfahimi Malahat (2021).comma-char 2021 International Serious Games Symposium (ISGS)comma-char 25-26 November, Tehran, Iran.

2. A novel convolutional neural network for EEG source localization with FEM forward model

Mahdavian Ashkan (2021).comma-char 2021 28th National and 6th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME)comma-char 25-26 November, Tehran, Iran.
منصوری ریحانهcomma Kaczmarczyk Katarzyna (2021).comma-char Biomedical Human Kineticscomma-char 13(1)comma-char 155-162.

1. Instantaneous phase synchrony of fMRI reflects large-scale disconnection in schizophrenia

ضرغامی طاهره سادات (2020).comma-char 9th Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Congresscomma-char 9-11 December, Tehran, Iran.
دهقانی صدیقه (2020).comma-char JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCEcomma-char 48(3)comma-char 265-280.
ضرغامی طاهره سادات (2020).comma-char Frontiers in Neurosciencecomma-char 14(214)comma-char 1-26.
Dehghani Sedigheh (2020).comma-char PLoS Onecomma-char 15(2)comma-char e0228726.

1. A Simple Computational Model of Light-sensitive Cardiac tissue for Simulation of the optogenetic Defibrillation

ذاکری زفرقندی الهام (2019).comma-char 2019 26th National and 4th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME)comma-char 27-28 November.

2. Graph-theory based analyses of human motor learning: A resting-state fMRI study

ابراهیمی شهریار (2019).comma-char 26th National and 4th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME)comma-char 27-28 November, Tehran, Iran.


محبی سانازcomma ترکمان گیتی (2019).comma-char Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tabrizcomma-char 41(4)comma-char 82-91.
سلوکی سعیدcomma جان احمدی مهیار (2019).comma-char Frontiers in Neural Circuitscomma-char 13(54)comma-char 1-17.
محبی سانازcomma ترکمان گیتیcomma Darbani Maliheh (2019).comma-char Archives of Osteoporosiscomma-char 14(1)comma-char 1-10.

6. In Pursuit of Activity Dependent Synaptic Plasticity Rules for Cerebellar Motor Learning: A Computational Study

سلوکی سعید (2019).comma-char 2019 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)comma-char 30 April-2 May.

1. Comparing the effect of spaced and massed training paradigms on long-term adaptation of oculomotor reflex: a cerebellar perspective

سلوکی سعیدcomma جان احمدی مهیار (2018).comma-char 7th Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Congresscomma-char 12-14 December, Tehran, Iran.

2. Effects of irreversible olivary system lesion on the gain adaptation of optokinetic response eye movement: a model based study

سلوکی سعیدcomma جان احمدی مهیار (2018).comma-char 2018 25th National and 3rd International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME)comma-char 29-30 November.
مصیبی راضیه (2018).comma-char Theoretical Biology and Medical Modellingcomma-char 15(1)comma-char.