Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک
Contact Number : ۶۱۱۱۹۹۴۱
Room : ۶۰۶
  • 1054 Citations
  • 16 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 1426 Citations
  • 19 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-03

Scholarly Works

  • 1054citation
  • 16 h-Index
  • 56 article-list
  • 20 conference-list
Torbati Saeedcomma Pouraliakbar Hamidrezacomma Asgharian Masoudcomma Ahmadi Tafti Seyed Hosseincomma Shum-Tim Dominiquecomma Heidari Alireza (2024).comma-char BIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGYcomma-char 23(-)comma-char 1591-1606.
Jafariandehkordi Amirhossein (2023).comma-char Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materialscomma-char 148(106209)comma-char.

1. Patient-Specific Study of Post-Ischemic Cardiac Ventricular Remodeling: A Passive Simulation of Structural Changes in Myofiber Orientation and Stiffness

Torbati Saeedcomma Heydari Alirezacomma Pouraliakbar Hamidrezacomma Ahmadi Tafti Seyed Hosseincomma Shum-Tim Dominique (2022).comma-char 2022 29th National and 7th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME)comma-char 21-22 December, Tehran, Iran.
پورکرامت علیرضاcomma jalili sinacomma امین فر کیارش (2022).comma-char ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part A-Civil Engineeringcomma-char 8(4)comma-char.

3. Investigation on the characteristics of a Non-Pneumatic tire with different spoke shapes

فرجی محمد علی (2022).comma-char The 30th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineerscomma-char 10-12 May, Tehran, Iran.
صالحی علیcomma امین فر کیارش (2022).comma-char Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology (ADMT)comma-char 15(1)comma-char 143 - 155.
Hedayatian Mohammadcomma Liaghat b Gholam H. (2021).comma-char INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESScomma-char 10(1)comma-char.
پورکرامت علیرضاcomma jalili sinacomma aminfar kiarash (2021).comma-char THIN-WALLED STRUCTUREScomma-char 160(107384)comma-char.


جوادی سعیدcomma جامی الاحمدی عبدالرحمنcomma آزادواری محدثهcomma نکونام سعید (2021).comma-char Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineeringcomma-char 1398(1)comma-char.
پورکرامت علیرضاcomma امین فر کیارشcomma jalili sina (2020).comma-char AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineeringcomma-char 4(2020)comma-char.
هدایتیان محمدcomma لیاقت غلامحسین (2020).comma-char JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEcomma-char 12(06)comma-char 2050061.
jafariandehkordi amirhoseyn (2020).comma-char MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONScomma-char 106(2020)comma-char 103539.
جلیلی سینا (2020).comma-char Journal of Computational Applied Mechanicscomma-char 97(1)comma-char 10-23.

5. Geometrical imperfection’s effect on thermal buckling of cylindrical water storage tanks subjected to fire

پورکرامت علیرضاcomma jalili sinacomma امین فر کیارش (2020).comma-char The 28th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers-ISME2020comma-char 27-29 May, Tehran, Iran.

6. Investigations on the influence of aspect ratio on thermal buckling response of large-scale tanks

پورکرامت علیرضاcomma امین فر کیارش (2020).comma-char The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Structures and Earthquakecomma-char 22-23 April, Tehran, Iran.
تربتی سعید (2019).comma-char Mechanical Engineering modarescomma-char 19(10)comma-char 2491-2498.

2. The study of the HRAM effect in the liquid tank with various speeds

کشاورز علیرضاcomma Jalili Sina (2019).comma-char 27th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISME 2019comma-char 30 April-2 May, Tehran, Iran.

3. Studying the kinematics of tumor growth in soft tissues considering the effects of a chemical drug by using a finite element model

جعفریان امیر حسین (2019).comma-char 27th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISME 2019comma-char 30 April-2 May, Tehran, Iran.

4. Using Minimal Surface theory to design bone tissue scaffold and validate it with SLS 3D printer

salehi ali (2019).comma-char 27th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISME 2019comma-char 30 April-2 May, Tehran, Iran.

5. finding the critical points of muscle with growth modeling

جوادی سعیدcomma جامی عبدالرحمنcomma آزادواری محدثهcomma نکونام سعید (2019).comma-char 27th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISME 2019comma-char 30 April-2 May, Tehran, Iran.
زرگری پور علی (2018).comma-char Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanicscomma-char 5(1)comma-char 77-90.
زرگری پور علیcomma Isacc Hosseini Imancomma رجبپور امیر (2018).comma-char Journal of Computational Applied Mechanicscomma-char 49(1)comma-char 86-101.


تربتی سعید (2018).comma-char Mechanical Engineering modarescomma-char 18(3)comma-char 389-394.

4. numerical simulation of growth phenomena in a living tissue using continuum mechanics.

تربتی سعید (2018).comma-char 26th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISME 2018comma-char 24-26 April, Semnan, Iran.

5. biomechanical modeling of tumor growth and its mechanical behavior in soft tissues considering different chemical factors

جعفریان امیر حسین (2018).comma-char 26th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISME 2018comma-char 24-26 April, Semnan, Iran.