Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی / دانشکده کشاورزی / گروه گیاه پزشکی / دانشکدگان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی / دانشکده کشاورزی / گروه زراعت و اصلاح نباتات / دانشکدگان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی / دانشکده علوم و مهندسی کشاورزی
  • 362 Citations
  • 11 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 765 Citations
  • 14 h-Index
as of : 2025-02-24

Scholarly Works

  • 362citation
  • 11 h-Index
  • 72 article-list
  • 68 conference-list

1. Effect of rizobacteria producing ACC deaminase isolated in Parsabad Moghan fields...

دلخواه ژیلا (2024).comma-char 25th iranian plant protection congresscomma-char 7-10 September, Tehran, Iran.

2. Evaluation of effect of pseodomanads on wheat tolerance to Bipolaris.....

دلخواه ژیلا (2024).comma-char 25th iranian plant protection congresscomma-char 7-10 September, Tehran, Iran.

3. The effect of Trichoderma harzianum Tr6 on predation rate of Phytoseiulus persimilis and Amblyseius swiriskii (Acari: Phytoseiidae) feeding on Tetranychus Urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) on bean plant

غریب رضا رقیهcomma محمدی هلن (2024).comma-char 25th Iranian Plant Protection Congresscomma-char 7-10 September, Tehran, Iran.

4. Plant Doctor independent and beyond agriculture, serving agriculture, food security and community health

درویش نوید (2024).comma-char 25th Iranian Plant Protection Congresscomma-char 7-10 September, Tehran, Iran.
محمدی فشارکی نیلوفرcomma طالبی مجید (2024).comma-char Iranian Journal of Plant Protection Sciencecomma-char 54(2)comma-char 237-246.

6. Evaluation of Bacillus velezensis in biocontrolling of Bipolaris sorokiniana, the causal agent of common root rot under salt and drought stress conditions

درویش نوید (2024).comma-char Biocontrol in Agriculture and Natural Resourcescomma-char 14-15 February, Kerman, Iran.

7. Effect of native pseudomonad bacteria on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under drought stress condition

دلخواه ژیلا (2024).comma-char Biocontrol in Agriculture and Natural Resourcescomma-char 14-15 February, Kerman, Iran.

8. Effect of culture media on growth and biocontrol efficacy of Trichoderma

دلخواه ژیلا (2024).comma-char Biocontrol in Agriculture and Natural Resourcescomma-char 14-15 February, Kerman, Iran.
Hadis Shahbazicomma Olsson Stefan (2023).comma-char JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGYcomma-char 171(10)comma-char 1-15.


سیفی سونیاcomma شریفی روح اله (2022).comma-char Genetic Engineering and Biosafety Journalcomma-char 11(2)comma-char 211-229.


دلخواه ژیلا (2022).comma-char Biocontrol in plant protectioncomma-char 10(1)comma-char 83-106.

3. screening of Pseudomonas for plant growth promotion and their effect on control of Bipolaris sorokiniana (p. 110)

دلخواه ژیلا (2022).comma-char The 1st International and 10th National Conference on Biocontrol in Agriculture and Natural Resourcescomma-char 5-6 February, Ahvaz, Iran.

4. Evaluation of Bacillus velezensis in biocontrolling of Bipolaris sorokiniana, the causal agent of common root rot

درویش نوید (2022).comma-char The 1st International and 10th National Conference on Biocontrol in Agriculture and Natural Resourcescomma-char 5-6 February, Ahvaz, Iran.

5. Evaluation of fluorescent pseudomonads in controlling of damping off disease of cucumber caused by Pythium aphanidermatum(p 53)

زهری فر سپیده (2022).comma-char The 1st International and 10th National Conference on Biocontrol in Agriculture and Natural Resourcescomma-char 5-6 February, Ahvaz, Iran.
محمدی نیلوفرcomma طالبی مجید (2021).comma-char biological control of pets and diseasescomma-char 10(1)comma-char.
دلخواه ژیلا (2021).comma-char Journal of Crop Protectioncomma-char 10-2(2251-9041)comma-char 411-423.


زراعتکارموشکی محدثه (2021).comma-char biological control of pets and diseasescomma-char 9(2)comma-char 103-114.


وطن پرست پدیدهcomma محمدی هلن (2021).comma-char biological control of pets and diseasescomma-char 9(2)comma-char 185-195.


شریفی روح اله (2020).comma-char Biology of Microorganismscomma-char 8(32)comma-char.


یوسفی حدیثcomma حسن زاده نادرcomma بیکی فیروزجاهی فرید (2019).comma-char Journal of Microbial Worldcomma-char 12(3)comma-char 279-293.


اکبرپور رسول (2019).comma-char biological control of pets and diseasescomma-char 8(2)comma-char 113-126.
سیفی سونیاcomma شریفی روح الهcomma شپلیگ جیمز (2019).comma-char Iranian Journal of Plant Protection Sciencecomma-char 50(2)comma-char 159-175.

4. Evaluation of Halothiobacillus neapolitanus and sulphur in controlling of take-all disease of wheat

وفایی آرشcomma حسین بشارتی (2019).comma-char Plant pathologycomma-char 31 August-1 September, Karaj, Iran.

5. Antagonistic effects of Streptomyces fulvissimion in biocontrol of common root rot fo wheat and improving growth indices under drought stress condition

اکبرپور رسولcomma مرادپور عارف (2019).comma-char Plant pathologycomma-char 31 August-1 September, Karaj, Iran.

6. Optimization of Urea fertilizer by using plant probiotic bacteria with the ability to reduce nitrate in tomato plants

سیفی سونیاcomma شریفی روح اله (2019).comma-char Biological control of agriculture and natural resourcescomma-char 11-12 July, Hamedan, Iran.