Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکده حکمرانی
  • 61 Citations
  • 2 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 384 Citations
  • 12 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-17

Scholarly Works

  • 61citation
  • 2 h-Index
  • 3 article-list
  • 12 conference-list
  • 1 كتاب

1. Governance of the Internet of Things in Countries: A Driver for Sustainable Development

سلیمانی پور علیرضا (2025).comma-char International Conference on Business Ethics and Sustainability (ICBES - 2025)comma-char 2 March, Muscat, Oman.

2. Media-based content analysis based on behavioral motivation approaches

(2025).comma-char The 8th National Conference on Human Resource Managementcomma-char 21-22 January, Tehran, Iran.

1. Development of science policy in the beam of ethical university: a way to good governance

(2024).comma-char National conference on the Education system governancecomma-char 8 December, Tehran, Iran.
(2024).comma-char Journal of Public Administration Perspective-JPAPcomma-char 15(3)comma-char 130-154.

3. GPPES: Governmental Periodic Performance Evaluation System

رفیعی سیاوش (2024).comma-char 2nd National conference on Knowledge based governancecomma-char 20 June, Tehran, Iran.

4. Scientometric Analysis of Global Research on Performance of Urban Governance

مهذب طلاب محمد (2024).comma-char knowledge based governance; governance metricscomma-char 10 June, Tehran, Iran.

5. Camprative study human capital

اکبری عرفان (2024).comma-char knowledge based governance; measuring governancecomma-char 10 June, Tehran, Iran.

6. Indicators of Islamic governance: a path to sustainable development (comparative study of Singapore)

(2024).comma-char The collection of scientific-researchfirst national conference of criticism, debate and theorizingcomma-char 21 February, Tehran, Iran.

7. Board Band Leo governance (for development e government)

(2024).comma-char 20 th international conference on managementcomma-char 20-21 February, Tehran, Iran.

8. The role of governance in the diffusion of transformational technologies in order to create an appropriate structure for the development of smart industries

صالحی شاپور (2024).comma-char twentieth international conference on managementcomma-char 20-21 February, Tehran, Iran.

1. Environmental governance indicators performance in Iran: An Importance - Performance Analysis

(2023).comma-char The 1st National Conference on knowledge-based governancecomma-char 4 December, Tehran, Iran.

2. The emergence of experimental governance laboratories in Iran; Approaches and challenges

(2023).comma-char knowledge-based governance conference; Geogovernancecomma-char 3-4 December, Tehran, Iran.


خواجه امیرلو روشنکcomma کریمی پیمان (2023).comma-char.
شجاعی امیر احمدcomma Farahani Amin (2023).comma-char Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Researchcomma-char 28(5)comma-char 528-535.
(2023).comma-char Studies of Educational Planningcomma-char 11(22)comma-char 1-22.

1. Relationship between Technological readiness and Labor market efficiency: A Secondary Analysis of Countries Global Competitiveness

Rastegar Abbas Ali (2012).comma-char 13th International Conference on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics (ICEOS-2012)comma-char 24-26 May, Nicosia, Cyprus.