Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک
  • 476 Citations
  • 12 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 570 Citations
  • 14 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-16

Scholarly Works

  • 476citation
  • 12 h-Index
  • 29 article-list
  • 8 conference-list
کریمی کیارش (2024).comma-char ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENTcomma-char 317(0)comma-char 118863.
میرحسینی معصومهcomma بنایی علیرضا (2024).comma-char PHYSICS OF FLUIDScomma-char 36(8)comma-char.


سیدین مهلاcomma حسن پور امیرحسین (2024).comma-char CHEMOSPHEREcomma-char 362(-)comma-char.
ماندگاری علی (2024).comma-char PHYSICS OF FLUIDScomma-char 36(7)comma-char.

5. Simultaneous modelling of furnace and reformer tubes of industrial methanol production considering geometry and operational conditions

حاتمی عرفان (2024).comma-char The 10th Fuel and Combustion Conference of Irancomma-char 20-22 February, Tehran, Iran.
صفرزاده رواجیری اسحقcomma حسنلو محمدرضا (2024).comma-char Sustainable Cities and Societycomma-char 110(0)comma-char 105211.
Naeini Alireza (2023).comma-char DESALINATIONcomma-char 568(1)comma-char.
رامش ابراهیم (2023).comma-char CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGNcomma-char 197(1)comma-char 931-944.
Faghih Parsacomma صالحی علی (2023).comma-char Case Studies in Thermal Engineeringcomma-char 49(0)comma-char 103301.
طرب خواه شقایقcomma آزاد امیررضاcomma انصاری نیک سپهدارcomma رضایی مهدیcomma پارسایی احمدcomma باغانی عرفانcomma خسروی نژاد امین (2023).comma-char PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONcomma-char 177(0)comma-char 446-462.


منصور صبا (2023).comma-char ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENTcomma-char 290(117200)comma-char.
Darman Moeincomma Niknafs Naeem (2023).comma-char Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensificationcomma-char 190(109421)comma-char.


حسن پور امیرحسینcomma نقوی دیوکلائی محمدرضا (2023).comma-char Scientific Reportscomma-char 13(1)comma-char.

8. Development of a radiation model for the CFD simulation of UV-LED water disinfection reactors

صالحی علی (2023).comma-char The 31st Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineerscomma-char 9-11 May, Tehran, Iran.

9. Modeling of humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination systems with bubble column dehumidifier

نائینی علیرضا (2023).comma-char The 31st Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineerscomma-char 9-11 May, Tehran, Iran.
صفرزاده رواجیری اسحق (2023).comma-char ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENTcomma-char 277(0)comma-char 116677.


نصیری حسینcomma فاطمی سید محمد (2022).comma-char Journal of Mechanical Engineering University of Tabrizcomma-char 52(2)comma-char.


Faghihi parsa (2022).comma-char INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCHcomma-char 8347(1)comma-char.
موسوی سیدپدرام (2022).comma-char PHYSICS OF FLUIDScomma-char 34(7)comma-char 073322.

4. Performance Evaluation of Water Treatment Helically Coiled Tube Flocculators using Computational Fluid Dynamics

رامش ابراهیم (2022).comma-char The 30th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineerscomma-char 10-12 May, Tehran, Iran.

5. Study of the effect of viscosity on the instability of two miscible fluids using the spectral element method

روحانیان محمد رضا (2022).comma-char 30th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineeringcomma-char 10-12 May, Tehran, Iran.

6. Numerical Simulation of Water Solidification in a Square Cavity Using Lattice Boltzmann Method

موسوی سیدپدرام (2022).comma-char The 30th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineerscomma-char 10-12 May, Tehran, Iran.
کیمیایی سعیدcomma رنجبر سینا (2022).comma-char INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFERcomma-char 184(1)comma-char 122243.
سلیمانی امیرمحمد (2022).comma-char Journal of Water Process Engineeringcomma-char 46(102545)comma-char.
نیک نفس نعیم (2021).comma-char Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensificationcomma-char 168(108583)comma-char 108583.