Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی / دانشکده منابع طبیعی
  • 185 Citations
  • 8 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 167 Citations
  • 7 h-Index
as of : 2025-02-24

Scholarly Works

  • 185citation
  • 8 h-Index
  • 73 article-list
  • 92 conference-list
  • 14 كتاب
رحیمی جمال (2024).comma-char Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources)comma-char 77(ویژه نامه)comma-char 161-153.
رضامحمدی سرونازcomma مریدی علیcomma باقری راحله (2024).comma-char Quarterly Aquaculture sciencescomma-char 12(1)comma-char 13-22.
معزی سیدعلی (2024).comma-char Toxin Reviewscomma-char 12(1)comma-char.
رضائی کیادختcomma بذرافشان ام البنین (2024).comma-char Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources)comma-char 76(ویژه نامه)comma-char.
معزی سیدعلی (2023).comma-char International Journal of Aquatic Biologycomma-char 11(4)comma-char.
معزی سیدعلیcomma رضایی کیادخت (2023).comma-char Journal of Animal Environmentcomma-char 15(2)comma-char.
صدری سعید (2023).comma-char Aquaculture Reportscomma-char 30(101596)comma-char.

4. Measuring the performance of media containing paraffin in the treatment of petroleum wastewater

جعفری همت مجید (2023).comma-char The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Science and Engineeringcomma-char 31 May, Aachen, Germany.


میرزایی محبوبهcomma رضایی کیادخت (2023).comma-char Journal of Animal Environmentcomma-char 15(1)comma-char.
درویشی پریاcomma نصری منوچهر (2023).comma-char Journal of Aquatic Ecologycomma-char 4(12)comma-char.

1. Treatment of vinasse wastewater using a Bit Trap Filter

رضایی کیادختcomma معزی سیدعلی (2022).comma-char 6th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ZOOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGYcomma-char 22 December, Tehran, Iran.

2. Microplastics and heavy metals; ınteractions and effects on aquatic ecosystem

رضایی کیادخت (2022).comma-char 6th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ZOOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGYcomma-char 22 December, Tehran, Iran.


راعی زاده مهدیهcomma پرهیزکار شکیبcomma توکلی راد فاطمهcomma سلیمی بهنام (2022).comma-char BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCHcomma-char 2(2)comma-char.


میرزایی محبوبهcomma رضایی کیادخت (2022).comma-char Journal of Utilization and Cultivation of Aquaticscomma-char 11(3)comma-char.


رضایی کیادختcomma شاه محمودی کژال (2022).comma-char.
(2022).comma-char Toxin Reviewscomma-char 41(2)comma-char 1-8.


شوقعلی نیری فرزانه (2022).comma-char Fish nutritioncomma-char 7(4)comma-char 1-13.

1. Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Estimating River Water Quality Based on Macrobenthos

درویشی پریاcomma کریمی دانیا (2021).comma-char 5 th International Congress on Zoology and Technologycomma-char 18-19 December.

2. Toxicological Effects of Microplastics on Aquatic Organisms

رضایی کیادخت (2021).comma-char 5 th International Congress on Zoology and Technologycomma-char 18-19 December.

3. Pollution of aquatic ecosystems

(2021).comma-char Research and Technology Week of Kurdistan Universitycomma-char 15-16 December, Sanandaj, Iran.

4. 10th International Conference on Rainwater Catchment System

(2021).comma-char 10th International Conference on Rainwater catchment systemscomma-char 24-25 November.

5. Covid 19 and climate changes

(2021).comma-char conference of international committee for museum & collections of science & technologycomma-char 7-11 November, Tehran, Iran.
(2021).comma-char Environmental Science and Pollution Researchcomma-char 16103–16112(29)comma-char.
رضایی کیادخت (2021).comma-char Toxin Reviewscomma-char 41(1)comma-char 1-10.
(2021).comma-char COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGYcomma-char 244(2150-3508)comma-char 109005.