Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی / دانشکده ابوریحان (فناوری کشاورزی) / گروه علوم زراعی و اصلاح نباتات / دانشکدگان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی / دانشکده ابوریحان (فناوری کشاورزی)
  • 299 Citations
  • 8 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15

Scholarly Works

  • 299citation
  • 8 h-Index
  • 31 article-list
  • 50 conference-list
اسدی زهرهcomma سبحانی سوادرودباری نادیا (2025).comma-char MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTScomma-char 52(1)comma-char.


رفیعی زهرهcomma قنواتی فرنگیس (2024).comma-char journal of crop breedingcomma-char 16(3)comma-char.


سلطانی نژاد نسیبهcomma میرجلیلی محمدحسین (2024).comma-char.

3. Investigating antioxidant activity, total phenolic and total avonoid contents in root and leaf of transgenic medicinal plant Withania somnifera by Inplanta transformation method

سلطانی نژاد نسیبهcomma Miejalili Mohammad hosein (2024).comma-char 1st international and 6th national conference on biodiversity and itsimpact on agriculture and environmentcomma-char 22 May, Urmia, Iran.

4. An assessment of genetic diversity of sheep fescue (Festuca ovina) using molecular markers

jabari alirezacomma gharibi masoomeh (2024).comma-char 6th international and 18th Iranian genetics congresscomma-char 22-24 May, Tehran, Iran.

5. A review on the use of hairy roots induction in the production of plant secondary metabolite

جودکی فاطمهcomma محمودی مهدی (2024).comma-char 6th international and 18th Iranian genetics congresscomma-char 22-24 May, Tehran, Iran.

6. Genetic diversity of Lolium perenne, Lolium multiflorum and Festuca arundinacea based on morphological traits

gharibi masoomeh (2024).comma-char 6th international and 18th Iranian genetics congresscomma-char 22-24 May, Tehran, Iran.

7. An assessment of characters affecting the forage yield of diploid and tetraploid genotypes of Lolium perenne

gharibi masoomeh (2024).comma-char 6th international and 18th Iranian genetics congresscomma-char 22-24 May, Tehran, Iran.
پوررحیمی مجید (2024).comma-char International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technologycomma-char 2(11)comma-char.
سلطانی نژاد نسیبهcomma میر جلیلی محمد حسین (2023).comma-char Genetic Engineering and Biosafety Journalcomma-char 12(2)comma-char 184-194.

2. investigating the effect of shade stress on four genotypes of tall fescue

سیداوی بشیرcomma اسماعیلی سمیه (2023).comma-char 13 th Iranian horticultural science congresscomma-char 18-21 September, Gorgan, Iran.

3. Comparison of biomass production in hairy root lines in Indian ginseng medicinal plant Withania somnifera using temporary immersion bioreactor

سلطانی نژاد نسیبهcomma میرجلیلی محمد حسینcomma سلطانی نژاد وجیهه (2023).comma-char 3th international & 7th national conference on organics vs. conventional agriculturecomma-char 21-22 August, Ardebil, Iran.

4. Evaluation of the effect of culture medium and different concentrations of gibberellic acid on germination of Indian gensing (Withania somnifera).

سلطانی نژاد نسیبهcomma سلطانی نژاد وجیهه (2023).comma-char 3th international & 7th national conference on organics vs. conventional agriculturecomma-char 21-22 August, Ardebil, Iran.

5. Induction of hairy root in the medicinal plant Withania somnifera using Agrobacterium rhizogenes Strain Atcc 15834

سلطانی نژاد نسیبهcomma حسینی محمدرضا (2023).comma-char 10th national congress on medicinal plantscomma-char 12-13 July, Urmia, Iran.


رحیمی جاویدcomma عابدی ماهیار (2023).comma-char journal of plant genetic researches,.comma-char 9(2)comma-char.

7. Evaluation of somaclonal variation in tall fescue regenerated plants using molecular markers

مرادی میثم (2023).comma-char 5th international and 17th Irannian genetic congresscomma-char 6-8 March, Iran.

8. The efect of the ZnO nanoparticles on callus induction of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea)

مرادی میثم (2023).comma-char 5th international and 17th Irannian genetic congresscomma-char 6-8 March, Iran.

9. Evaluation of diversity in tall fescue obtained from tissue culture for morphological traits

مرادی میثم (2023).comma-char 5th international and 17th Irannian genetic congresscomma-char 6-8 March, Iran.
Hosseini Nickravesh Masoomehcomma Di Pierro Erica A.comma Woeste Keithcomma عرب محمدمهدی (2023).comma-char HORTSCIENCEcomma-char 58(1)comma-char 64-66.


مرادی نرگسcomma دومانی یاسین (2022).comma-char Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science and Technologycomma-char 23(3)comma-char.
Jariani Parisacomma Abtahi Hassancomma Ahmadvand Rahim (2022).comma-char EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCEcomma-char 87(5)comma-char.

3. Production of nano emulsions to extend the life of gerbera cuttings flowers

(2022).comma-char 9th international confrance on agricultural science, environment, urben and rular developmentcomma-char 9 March, Tbilisi, Georgia.

4. Evaluation of the effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles on different species of Festuca under salinity stress

صابرتنها سارا (2022).comma-char 1th international and 5th national seed science and technology conference of Irancomma-char 9-10 February, Kermanshah, Iran.
دومانی یاسین (2022).comma-char INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTScomma-char 176(176)comma-char 114398.

6. Generation mean analysis to determine genetic components in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)

(2022).comma-char 17th National and 3rd International Iranian Crop Science Congresscomma-char 25-27 January.