Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکده کارآفرینی
  • 156 Citations
  • 6 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 1792 Citations
  • 13 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-03

Scholarly Works

  • 156citation
  • 6 h-Index
  • 101 article-list
  • 39 conference-list
  • 10 كتاب
گرمرود اسفندیاری الهامcomma باقرصاد وجیهه (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF EAST WEST BUSINESScomma-char 0(0)comma-char.


علمی امیر (2024).comma-char INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTcomma-char 22(57)comma-char.


باقرصاد وجیهه (2024).comma-char JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETINGcomma-char 39(12)comma-char.


سپهری آزاد یوسفcomma موسی خانی مرتضی (2024).comma-char INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTcomma-char 5(56)comma-char 65-86.


ذوقی کودهی حجت (2024).comma-char IRANIAN JOURNAL OF TRADE STUDIEScomma-char 28(110)comma-char.


اخلاصی مسعود (2024).comma-char Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Researchescomma-char 3(2)comma-char.


رزاقی کاشانی مصطفی (2024).comma-char Journal of Public Administration Perspective-JPAPcomma-char 15(1)comma-char 87-109.


ناهید مجتبی (2024).comma-char Entrepreneurship Developmentcomma-char 16(5)comma-char.

9. Identifying factors affecting academic entrepreneurship

فراهانی امین (2024).comma-char 20th International Conferences on Managementcomma-char 20-21 February, Tehran, Iran.

10. Influence of design thinking on the performance of innovative products in startup

خدایی فرناز (2024).comma-char 20th International Conferences on Managementcomma-char 20-21 February, Tehran, Iran.


ذوقی کودهی حجت (2024).comma-char Quarterly Jounal of Skill Trainingcomma-char 12(46)comma-char.


رنجبر فردویی محمدمهدی (2023).comma-char Journal of Systems Thinking in Practicecomma-char 2(4)comma-char.


شیخوند امیرعلی (2023).comma-char Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Researchescomma-char 2(3)comma-char.
فرخ منش ترانهcomma جهانبخت محمد (2023).comma-char Quarterly Research Journal of Technical and Vocational Universitycomma-char 20(2)comma-char 65-81.
علی آبادی ابراهیمcomma عالم تبریز اکبر (2023).comma-char Parliament and strategycomma-char 30(114)comma-char 195-237.
دستوریان جمنانی بنفشهcomma ناظمی آسیه (2023).comma-char Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovationcomma-char 11(1)comma-char.
نورمحمدی نجف آبادی رسول (2023).comma-char Entrepreneurship Developmentcomma-char 16(1)comma-char.
مشاور فرشتهcomma رشادتجو حمیده (2023).comma-char Entrepreneurship Developmentcomma-char 16(1)comma-char 48-57.
عباسی حمیدرضا (2023).comma-char Entrepreneurship Developmentcomma-char 16(1)comma-char 15-30.

9. Designing scientific mapping of scientific productions in the field of design thinking in business in the Scopus database

عباسعلی زهراcomma خویینی سهیلا (2023).comma-char Third Conference of Business Watch, Iran 1402comma-char 6-10 May, Tehran, Iran.

10. Confronting unpredictable events in the project: Uncertainty management in entrepreneurship and project management

علمی امیر (2023).comma-char Third Conference of Business Watch, Iran 1402comma-char 6-10 May, Tehran, Iran.

11. Blockchain, the fourth industrial revolution: examining opportunities and threats

رضاعلی فرزاد (2023).comma-char Third Conference of Business Watch, Iran 1402comma-char 6-10 May, Tehran, Iran.
زارعی محمدcomma نامی عباسی حامد (2023).comma-char Journal of Intrenational Business Administrationcomma-char 5(4)comma-char.
کمالو حسنcomma ابراهیمی سروعلیا محمدحسن (2023).comma-char Quarterly Jounal of Skill Trainingcomma-char 11(42)comma-char 131-150.