Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکدگان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی / دانشکده کشاورزی / گروه علوم و مهندسی خاک
  • 425 Citations
  • 13 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 489 Citations
  • 14 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-17

Scholarly Works

  • 425citation
  • 13 h-Index
  • 9 article-list
  • 9 conference-list
صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضاcomma Salarinejad Nedacomma Kazemi Movahed Siyavashcomma Dabiri Minoo (2025).comma-char TALANTAcomma-char 281(1873-3573)comma-char 126911.

1. Application of solvent assisted dispersive solid phase extraction as new strategy for trace detection of triazole fungicides in water, fruit, vegetable, and agricultural soil samples

صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضا (2024).comma-char 11st International Seminar on Chemistry and Environmentcomma-char 27-29 August, Tabriz, Iran.

2. Novel magnetic nanosorbent based on nitrogen-doped carbon core-double shell for ultrasonic assisted dispersive magnetic solid phase extraction of heterocyclic pesticides from environmental soil and water samples

صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضا (2024).comma-char 11st International Seminar on Chemistry and Environmentcomma-char 27-29 August, Tabriz, Iran.
Hasani Zahracomma Shahsavani Abolfathcomma فخاری علیرضا (2024).comma-char JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIScomma-char 132(1096-0481)comma-char 106333.

4. Benzil as new sorbent in Solvent-assisted dispersive solid phase extraction for trace detection of triazole fungicides in water, fruit, vegetable, and agricultural soil samples

صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضا (2024).comma-char 22nd Iranian Chemistry Congresscomma-char 13-15 May, Tehran, Iran.

5. Determination of acetanilide herbicides in cereal and agricultural soil samples with dispersive solid phase microextraction based on MIL-88(Fe) coordinated to carboxymethyl cellulose fibers as a new nanosorbent

جوانبخت سیامکcomma صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضا (2024).comma-char 22nd Iranian Chemistry Congresscomma-char 13-15 May, Tehran, Iran.

6. Novel nanocomposite based on Fe3O4 nanoparticles modified with creatine as a new nanosorbent for dispersive magnetic solid-phase micro extraction of copper from water, food and soil samples

صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضا (2024).comma-char 22nd Iranian Chemistry Congresscomma-char 13-15 May, Tehran, Iran.
Malekzadeh Sohrabcomma صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضا (2024).comma-char JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIScomma-char 129(1096-0481)comma-char 106097.
جوانبخت سیامکcomma صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضا (2024).comma-char JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY Acomma-char 1719(1873-3778)comma-char 464753.
صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضاcomma Salarinejad Nedacomma kazemi Movahed Siyavashcomma Dabiri Minoo (2024).comma-char MICROCHIMICA ACTAcomma-char 191(2)comma-char.
صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضا (2024).comma-char Separation Science Pluscomma-char 47(1)comma-char.

1. Cadmium Removal from water flow by Electrocoagulation

مهدی پورخانعلیcomma نصر آبادی محسن (2023).comma-char The 4th international and 7th national conference on the Conservation of Natural Resources and Environmentcomma-char 22-23 November, Ardebil, Iran.
شیخان مومنهcomma جوانبخت سیامکcomma فخاری زواره علیرضاcomma شعبانی احمد (2023).comma-char MICROCHEMICAL JOURNALcomma-char 193(1095-9149)comma-char 109149.
Shahsavani Abolfathcomma فخاری علیرضا (2023).comma-char MICROCHIMICA ACTAcomma-char 190(10)comma-char.
صحراگرد علیcomma فخاری علیرضاcomma هاشمی نسب کبری السادات (2022).comma-char Journal of the Iranian Chemical Societycomma-char 20(1)comma-char 37-46.

2. Ultrasonic assisted dispersive solid phase microextraction of triazole fungicides from food samples using cellulose-based nanosorbent

فخاری علیرضاcomma صحراگرد علیcomma جوانبخت سیامکcomma شعبانی احمد (2022).comma-char 27th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistrycomma-char 23-25 August.

3. Magnetic Dispersive Micro-Solid Phase Extraction Based Carbon Nanotubes/ Metal-Organic Framework as Nanosorbent for Trace Determination of Triazole Fungicides in Agricultural Waste Water and Agricultural Soil Samples

فخاری علیرضاcomma شیخان مومنهcomma جوانبخت سیامکcomma شعبانی احمد (2022).comma-char 27th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistrycomma-char 23-25 August.

4. Novel magnetic nano sorbent modified with tannic acid for micro magnetic solid phase extraction of herbicides and determination by corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry

قاسمی پرنیانcomma فخاری علیرضاcomma شعبانی احمد (2022).comma-char 27th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistrycomma-char 23-25 August.