Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکده زبان ها و ادبیات خارجی

Scholarly Works

  • 1 article-list
  • 2 conference-list

1. Cultural relations between Iran and China during the Il-Khanate

شائو خن ون (2023).comma-char Understanding China: Connected Past and Shared Futurecomma-char 4-6 November, Suzhou, China.

2. A survey of the social education thoughts and modern significance in Nizam- Al- Mulks "Siyasatnameh" (The book of Politics) and Sun Tzus "The Art of War"

گونگ تین تین (2023).comma-char Conference of world civilisations The Chinese and Iranian Civilisations: A dialoguecomma-char 13-15 October, Lanzhou, China.
(2023).comma-char International Persian language educationcomma-char 8(13)comma-char 211- 237.