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Title (تصاعدي)
النوع (تصاعدي)
صدیق مهدی (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDScomma-char 425(-)comma-char 127266.
هاشمی شرمینcomma معبودی امیر (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDScomma-char 421(-)comma-char 126925.
جعفری حسینcomma مقدم جوادcomma Mohseni Mahdicomma بالسینی علی اصغر (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDScomma-char 422(-)comma-char 126932.
4. Optimizing the grade control and dilution in open pit mines by using image processing tools
شامی قلندری محمدی (2025).comma-char 13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference 8th International Mine & Mining Industries Congresscomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
5. Design of Chain Pillars in a Longwall Mining Project
باتربیت امیر (2025).comma-char 13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference 8th International Mine & Mining Industries Congresscomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
6. Risk Assessment and Land Use Selection for Mined Lands Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making
ظهیرنیا کیانا (2025).comma-char 13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference 8th International Mine & Mining Industries Congresscomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
7. Assessing the Impact of Pit Slope Profile on the Stability and Economic Efficiency of Ultimate Pit-Limits
خدایی رامین (2025).comma-char 13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference 8th International Mine & Mining Industries Congresscomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
8. Optimizing the grade control and dilution in open pit mines by using image processing tools
شامی قلندری محمدی (2025).comma-char 13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference 8th International Mine & Mining Industries Congresscomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
9. Assessing the Impact of Pit Slope Profile on the Stability and Economic Efficiency of Ultimate Pit-Limits
خدایی رامین (2025).comma-char 13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference 8th International Mine & Mining Industries Congresscomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
10. Flotation and bioleaching approach for low grade copper recovery
کریمیان زهراcomma ملکی حسنcomma رضایی آشنی علیcomma قنبرزاد مینو (2025).comma-char 13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 8th International Congress of Mining and Mining Industriescomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
11. The application of multi-stage factorial analysis in the separation of geochemical anomalies in Shahrek Rabt region, northwest of Iran
کیخا محمد مهدیcomma نوروز قمی مهربان (2025).comma-char The 13th Mining Engineering Conference and the 8th international congress of Mining and Mineral industriescomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
12. Decreasing iron content in silica sample, using magnetic separation
اکثیری محمد حسینcomma تلیسچیان ایلیاcomma رضایی آشنی علیcomma قنبرزاد مینو (2025).comma-char 13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 8th International Congress of Mining and Mining Industriescomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
13. Flotation and bioleaching approach for low grade copper recovery
کریمیان زهراcomma ملکی حسنcomma رضایی آشنی علیcomma قنبرزاد مینو (2025).comma-char 13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 8th International Congress of Mining and Mining Industriescomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
14. Geophysical modeling of time-domain electromagnetic data at the Bell polymetallic deposit, British Columbia, Canada
جعفرآبادی علی (2025).comma-char 13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference - 8th International Mine & Mining Industries Congresscomma-char 25-26 February, Tehran, Iran.
شهبازی محمدرضاcomma نجفی مهدیcomma فاتحی مرجی محمد (2025).comma-char Energy Science & Engineeringcomma-char -(-)comma-char 1-17.
16. Application of machine learning in mineral exploration: advantages, challenges, future prospects and practical examples
هوشنگ امیرعباس (2025).comma-char 43rd National Geosciences Congresscomma-char 18-19 February, Tehran, Iran.
رجایی مقدم ناهیدcomma جلالی فر حسینcomma Mehdi Serati (2025).comma-char Computational Particle Mechanicscomma-char -(-)comma-char.
Safari Mohsencomma مقصودی سرتشنیزی سروشcomma بوچر کریستوفcomma طاهر دنگ کو رضا (2025).comma-char Geotechnical and Geological Engineeringcomma-char 43(116)comma-char 1-14.
عالی داریان محسنcomma Khosravi Mohammad Hosseincomma Ahmadi Mortezacomma امینی عرفان (2025).comma-char Journal of Geominecomma-char 2(1)comma-char 43-49.
Boroumand Zohrehcomma Najafi Asli Pashaki Shabnamcomma Ghorbani Yousef (2025).comma-char CHEMOSPHEREcomma-char 370(-)comma-char 143944.
Boroumand Zohrehcomma Najafi Asli Pashaki Shabnamcomma Ghorbani Yousef (2025).comma-char CHEMOSPHEREcomma-char 370(-)comma-char 143944.
فردوسی حسین (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCEScomma-char 222(-)comma-char 105482.
فردوسی حسین (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCEScomma-char 222(-)comma-char 105482.
Daviran Mehrdadcomma Maghsoudi Abbas (2025).comma-char COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCEScomma-char 195(-)comma-char 105785.
فردوسی حسین (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCEScomma-char 222(-)comma-char 105482.
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