Scholarly Works

    قرشی سید محمد صادقcomma محمد رضایی محمد حسینcomma ساده مژگان (2025).comma-char International Journal of Engineering, Transactions C: Aspectscomma-char 38(6)comma-char 1411-1420.
    قربانی بیوکcomma وحیدی مطلق نوید (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCEScomma-char 223(3)comma-char 105525.
    جمالیان عادله (2025).comma-char MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGYcomma-char 173(3)comma-char 107277.
    قربانی بیوکcomma وحیدی مطلق نوید (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCEScomma-char 223(3)comma-char 105525.
    کریمخانی سعیدcomma رحیم پور بناب حسین (2025).comma-char Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environmentcomma-char 84(3)comma-char 140.
    کریمخانی سعیدcomma رحیم پور بناب حسین (2025).comma-char Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environmentcomma-char 84(3)comma-char 140.

    7. Paleoecological changes across the boundary of the Shemshak and Dalichai formations, Diktash stratigraphic section, based on the parent plants of the miospores

    هاشمی یزدی فیروزهcomma جغتایی زهرا (2025).comma-char 9th Symposium of Sedimentological Society of Iran, Tabas Global Geoparkcomma-char 19-20 February, Tehran, Iran.

    8. Palynofacies and paleoenvironment interpretation at the boundary of the Shemshak and Delichai formations, Diktash stratigraphic section

    هاشمی یزدی فیروزهcomma جغتایی زهرا (2025).comma-char 9th Symposium of Sedimentological Society of Iran, Tabas Global Geoparkcomma-char 19-20 February, Tehran, Iran.

    9. Paleoenvironment of the Hojedk Formation, southwest Tabas, based on palynological studies

    هاشمی یزدی فیروزهcomma کاظمی فیروزجائی سپیده (2025).comma-char 9th Symposium of Sedimentological Society of Iran, Tabas Global Geoparkcomma-char 19-20 February, Tehran, Iran.

    10. Paleoenvironment of the Baghamshah Formation in northeastern Tabas, based on sporomorphic groups and organic matters

    هاشمی یزدی فیروزهcomma حبیب الهی نسرین (2025).comma-char 9th Symposium of Sedimentological Society of Iran, Tabas Global Geoparkcomma-char 19-20 February, Tehran, Iran.

    11. Tight carbonate reservoirs in the Abadan Plain area: geological characteristics and reservoir quality

    طالبی الهام (2025).comma-char The 9th National Conference of the Sedimentological Society of Irancomma-char 19-20 February, Mashhad, Iran.

    12. Sedimentary environment, diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy of the Gadvan Formation in one of the fields of the Abadan Plain, southwestern Iran

    چوقادی زهرا (2025).comma-char The 9th National Conference of the Sedimentological Society of Irancomma-char 19-20 February, Mashhad, Iran.

    13. Sedimentary environment, diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy of the Gadvan Formation in one of the fields of the Abadan Plain, southwestern Iran

    چوقادی زهرا (2025).comma-char The 9th National Conference of the Sedimentological Society of Irancomma-char 19-20 February, Mashhad, Iran.

    14. Sedimentary environment of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the south of the central Alborz, Bibi Shahrbanou Mountains, southeast of Tehran

    سلامتی فرشادcomma کامیابی شادان حسین (2025).comma-char The 9th Symposium of the Sedimentological Society of Irancomma-char 19-20 February, Tehran, Iran.

    15. Morphotectonic insights into the activity of the Bam-Baravat Fault (south of the Lut Block)

    درویشی خاتونی جوادcomma سلیمانی آزاد شهریار (2025).comma-char The 43rd National Geosciences Congresscomma-char 18-19 February, Tehran, Iran.

    16. Determination age of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the southern central Alborz Mountains based on benthic foraminifera in the southeastern of Tehran

    سلامتی فرشادcomma کامیابی شادان حسین (2025).comma-char The 43rd National Geosciences Congresscomma-char 18-19 February, Tehran, Iran.
    پویافرد زهراcomma بهره ور محمدcomma العاصم احسان (2025).comma-char MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGYcomma-char 172(1)comma-char 107229.


    نوردی معصومهcomma اسدی ناصرcomma میربلوچ زهی محمدرضا (2025).comma-char Ferdowsi university civil engineeringcomma-char 37(4)comma-char.


    گمشادزهی محبوب ابراهیمcomma سلوکی حمیدرضاcomma اژدری مقدم مهدی (2025).comma-char Kharazmi Journal of Earth Sciencescomma-char 10(2)comma-char 420-397.

    20. Introduction of Algae from Lower Cretaceous sediments in Bibi Shahrbanu Mountains, South Central Alborz (South East Tehran)

    سلامتی فرشادcomma کامیابی شادان حسین (2025).comma-char 17th Congrress of Iranian Paleotological Societycomma-char 1-2 February, Bandar Abbas, Iran.
    قربانی بیوکcomma وحیدی مطلق نویدcomma کاظمی حجت (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGYcomma-char 48(1)comma-char 29-57.
    قربانی بیوکcomma وحیدی مطلق نویدcomma کاظمی حجت (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGYcomma-char 48(1)comma-char 29-57.
    قریشی ساغرسادات (2025).comma-char journal of Petroleum Researchcomma-char 34(138)comma-char 129-158.
    قریشی ساغرسادات (2025).comma-char journal of Petroleum Researchcomma-char 34(138)comma-char 129-158.
    یازیتوا آیتولکینcomma کوفی آدوکو آموسوcomma یاگیز سفت (2025).comma-char Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environmentcomma-char 84(1)comma-char.